Secured Records Center
Secure, climate-controlled offsite records storage
Secure, climate-controlled offsite records storage
From the original chain of custody into the FreeDoc® Records Center, each box is inventoried at the barcode level. To create a data file, each file within the box can be inventoried. The data file can be compared with your database, ERP, or HR system. The data file can now be used for digital transformation of the file cabinet, when requested.
File handling is done by trusted FreeDoc® employees. Our expert records management consultants can assist as needs dictate. For example, public agencies can select retention scheduling by our Public Records Consultants. This is valuable to schedule and automate the eventual disposition of the file.
FreeDoc manages and staffs every step, from the file cabinet to our record center. Comprehensive management from ‘file cabinet to records center’ offers several features and advantages. The key benefit is accountability. Another benefit is low expense. Pricing for records box storage service is flat rate and highly competitive. There are zero ‘entrance’ or ‘exit’ fees. There are no long-term contracts similar to other record storage companies.
We offer this service nationwide. We provide a level of customer service rarely found. In addition, expert, value-added services are available to improve the efficiency of your enterprise operations. Combined with digital transformation, these services can reduce or even remove the long-term expense and inefficiency of paper storage.
Relocating file cabinets into the FreeDoc® Record Center frees valuable offices for space planning. Organizations are re-defining how to use office space for people and not paper. Space planning can reallocate valuable floor space for larger work areas, or meeting spaces.
Need the file? One email and it’s yours with digital delivery in 24-hours! FreeDoc® combines nationally recognized ECM cloud solutions with FreeDoc® scanning services to deliver unmatched .999999 accuracy for document scanning services. No longer, do you walk to the file cabinet, or requisition a box deliver. With FreeDoc® your ‘file’ can be just an email away. Let’s talk. Contact us (below). See how you can get organized.
FreeDoc® can help satisfy your records storage needs. Contact our experts today for more information on how we may serve you.