About Us
The people, values, and history behind FreeDoc®
The people, values, and history behind FreeDoc®
Helping Enterprise Customers Get More Done…In Less Time ©
For 25-years customers have sought our services to transform paper forms to digital records, that were structured in a database. Today, this process is called ‘digital transformation’ and it has become a whole lot more. It is the combination of moving digital records into a structured format so it can be managed by policy.
Digital transformation is necessary to operate a modern organization. It will become more so tomorrow. We agree, but looking back 30-years it’s been around since 1995. With Windows95, organizations had digital directories, but no process to file and find regulated records in a structured manner. What will happen to the files on network servers?
Enter FreeDoc®.
Since 1999 FreeDoc® has been teaching and training customers the best practices for managing enterprise information in the office, and since 2017 – in the classroom.
At FreeDoc® we call it Enterprise Content Management, or ECM.
Your answers to the following questions can help guide your organization achieve effective ECM:
Is there a plan to populate ECM with the historical records collection?
Is there a plan for ECM to reduce staff turnover?
Is there a plan to use ECM for growth?
For every organization, we recommend these additional questions:
And while your situation is unique, FreeDoc® has done this many times. By following a proven process for large industry and public agency, our solutions manage ten (10) billion records with digital precision around the NW and across the US.
With FreeDoc® you can get more done…in less time. ©
FreeDoc® solutions improve individual productivity by 34%.* That’s 3-people outperforming 4-people (for the price of 3)!
* Customers using a FreeDoc solution have charted increases in departmental productivity of 34% to 78%.
Average tenure at FreeDoc® exceeds 5 years.
Our people make the difference
With steady measure, passion and resolve, we apply our talents, skills and abilities for the benefit of our customer.
Our work allows our customer to better serve their customer.
We serve the customer of our customer.
We are the best “employee” you can ever hire. We want this project to make you look good.
‘Why’ a process is done should determine what & how it’s done.
We stay on it until it is finished.
Hopelink Food Drive
Since 2011, FreeDoc® has made annual food donations up to $10,000 to the Hope Link Food Drive. Sgt. Robert Buendia of the Bothell Police Department has organized this particular food drive for nearly 20 years. The food is “apprehended” and turned over to the custody of the uniformed officers of the Bothell Police Department – with big smiles all around. We deeply appreciate the Bothell PD for who they are and for what they do to serve others!
FreeDoc ® has the skill and experience to handle any project of nearly any size, or we will let you know who can.
Let us know how we can serve you. Contact a consultant today.