FreeDoc ® ECM Boot Camp Webinar

A two-day training event designed to teach the skills
that will transform your manual office into a digital work space!

FreeDoc ECM Bootcamp


FreeDoc Consultant Leslie Turner

FreeDoc ECM Boot Camp

Slides Streaming via Zoom – Previously Recorded Live

(Complete course streamed as two consecutive ‘half-days’).

Next airing will be October 2024!

About the Boot Camp

This two-day “boot camp” is designed to help anyone make the business case for digital transformation of their agency – from a manual office to a virtual work space.

Most agencies dislike manual processes and information silos, but in reality this is how many agencies currently function. Most of the issues have been decades in the making. The ‘band-aids’ have stopped working and new technologies have really stepped up.

So, once you decide to go digital, you need to know where to start. This FreeDoc ® ECM Boot Camp℠ will give you the knowledge you need to grow any skill required and tackle any issue. With this webinar, you will learn to how to make adjustments that build in regulatory compliance, process improvements and industry best practices. These adjustments will ease the everyday process of working with information, and that will improve your life!

Attendees to the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Boot Camp℠ will be shown a proven, repeatable process, which any agency can use to file, find and manage their information.

Whether you are budgeting for, or have already purchased an ECM system and want to plan your next steps, the FreeDoc ® ECM Boot Camp℠ offers the tools needed plus a roadmap to victory!

(This webinar has been approved for CEC credit hours)


Sessions Run 9 AM – 1 PM PT
Each Session is 55-Minutes Long

Session 1: Terms of Engagement
We begin your training with a complete glossary and definition of common terms in everyday use by Records and Information Management (RIM) Professionals. You will learn there are common terms in everyday use by RIM Professionals that have very a different meaning for an IT Professional. Depending on one’s work, these common terms will have very different legal implications. By understanding the meaning of these critical terms you will have the basic keys for clear and accurate communications and good inter-departmental collaboration with key leaders within your agency!
Session 2: The How’s and Why’s – Doing Business Assessments
While an agency may have started with a mandate, it is literally the sum of its daily processes and how those change over time. The question is how well do practices align with mandate and policy? The Business Assessment provides gap analysis and groundwork for managerial planning and strategizing of methods to acquire, maintain and distribute information. Mapping current practices allows an agency to evaluate its methods by documenting processes. With a business assessment, it’s possible to align action with mandate, plan for improvements, and remove risks or remediate violations discovered during the assessment.
In this session, participants learn how to conduct a business assessment, what questions to ask and what information to gather.
Session 3: Systems Assessment
Similar to Session 2, a technology assessment is needed to make quality investment decisions to support good practices. It is a tool to capture the current state of software applications / hardware usage / maintenance costs and volumes of electronic storage.
Participants learn what questions to ask and where to look for opportunities to help their agency make informed choices for future technology upgrades and/or improvements to existing systems.
Session 4: Rules of Engagement
This session focuses on the legal and regulatory rules in addition to records retention, records retention schedules and practices, and disposition requirements.
Session 5: Now What? Making the Case for Commitment and Getting to “GO”
Getting buy-in for agency process automation and digital government require money, time and the willingness to participate. These can vary widely, from uber volumes to short supply. Getting full executive support and financing is vital, but there are still hurdles to leap over and objections to overcome.

This session features the “myth-busters” with helpful tips and strategies to help participants create commitments to stay the course!
Session 6A: Clean Up
This session offers helpful tips and strategies for “defensible disposition”. Apply LEGAL authority to filter and reduce redundant, outdated, and duplicate information.
Session 6B: Planning
Once the information store has been filtered, the first question of process improvement will be “what process” to do “in what order”? Learn how to identify processes that will save time, reduce expense and increase staff participation and excitement.
In this session participants learn how to map work processes and leverage data gathered from previous steps for planning.

The materials presented and likeness in attendance at this event are the sole property of Frix Technologies L.L.C., having exclusive right to reproduce or use as needed.


Course dates are being considered now for Oct. 10 & Oct. 11. Message us at [email protected] for more details.

About Your Instructor – Leslie Turner

Course Instructor – Leslie Turner, CRM, ERMp, IGp

FreeDoc Consultant Leslie Turner

  • Program Specialist & Records Consultant, WA State Archives, 2006 – 2017
  • Washington State Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE) consultant
  • Public Records Manager, WA State Department of Ecology, 2002 – 2006

A Certified Records Manager and Public Record Officer, Ms. Turner was formerly the Electronic Records Management Consultant for the Washington State Archives and Records Management program (2006 – 2017). Ms. Turner’s work included the development of retention schedules, individual agency consulting, and training hundreds of agencies on the requirements of managing public records records and information.  She also participated in the research to update those processes allowing the statewide use of protocols for “Scan and Toss”.

Ms. Turner has been deeply involved with development of retention schedules for state and local government, and was lead Washington State Archives representative to develop the statewide initiative for Information Governance (IG) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) resulting in award of statewide Master Contracts for ECM Software Systems.

Prior to her work at the Archives, Ms. Turner was a public disclosure coordinator for the Department of Ecology, processing and fulfilling upwards of 150 public records requests per month (over 7,000 requests in total from across 12 Western Washington counties). Ms. Turner has also presented as a RIM subject matter expert at many state, regional and national conferences, including ARMA, NAGARA and the FreeDoc ® Winter Conference.

Since joining FreeDoc ®, Ms. Turner now leads training of best practices for use of Records and Information Management within ECM systems. Nationally known for her energetic and entertaining style, attendees to this course will be wide awake throughout this pre-recorded, two-day web-course.

About FreeDoc

FreeDoc® has provided full solutions since 1999.

We deliver:

  • Consulting for Information Management with focus on public records.
  • A proven four-point plan to bring an agency into full compliance.
  • Dedicated records training such as Winter Forum and ECM Boot Camp℠.
  • Configuration of ECM Cloud solutions.
  • Business process improvement and data integrations.
  • Migrations from legacy document management systems.
  • Technical document scanning services!
  • Master Public Contracting, nationwide – WSIPC.

FreeDoc® has the people, skill and experience (25 yrs) for your project. Contact us. Let us know how we can serve you.